On January 29, 2024, the FoRB Working Group in Lebanon, coordinated by Adyan Foundation with the support of Minority Rights Group, launched the report titled: “Religious Minority Rights in Lebanon:…
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Report Launching: Religious Minority Rights in Lebanon
January 29th, 2025, h. 10:00 AM On behalf of the National Working Group on Freedom of Religion and Belief in Lebanon, we are pleased…
La prima intesa, le altre e il diritto di libertà religiosa – Convegno di studio, Como, 8 ottobre 2024
La registrazione dell’evento è disponibile ai seguenti link: Parte prima: https://uninsubria.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=104fd2b0-14a4-4fb4-877f-b22e008779d0 Parte seconda: https://uninsubria.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=844186b9-be00-40c0-966f-b22e008779ca
2011-2023 A decade of “Arab Springs”. Societal and Economical Challenges Sticky
Cortelezzi, F., Ferrari, A., & Limam, J. (eds.) (forthcoming), 2011-2023 A decade of “Arab Springs”. Societal and Economical Challenges, NY-Torino: Routledge-Giappichelli
Best Paper – EJIF 10th Anniversary Conference Sticky
“The Takaful between economics, law and religion. Considerations in relation to Islamic contract law and insurance transactions”, written by Prof. Flavia Cortelezzi and Dr.…
Women, Agency and Religion: Social and Legal Issues in the Mediterranean Public Space
Edited by Ilaria Valenzi https://www.routledge.com/Women-Agency-and-Religion-Social-and-Legal-Issues-in-the-Mediterranean-Public-Space/Valenzi/p/book/9781032877983?srsltid=AfmBOooWHkHqYXTl4tsZSZmS74cNJStM06zu0yPQi3ZAUmg2uavpFAT_ https://www.giappichelli.it/women-agency-and-religion-social-and-legal-issues-in-the-mediterranean-public-space-9791221104745?srsltid=AfmBOop70-qPU9zqdAVre4lMhKTmygkQ6D4Ld4q_m3XSj3_7L4dNBqri
Créée en 2014 sous l’impulsion de la FUCE (Fédération des Universités catholiques européennes), PLURIEL est la Plateforme universitaire de recherche sur l’islam en Europe…
Center for religion and the Human – Indiana University
What it means to be human is a matter of renewed urgency today. As we are pressed by advances in technology and biology, on…
Webinar Series 2024. “Religioni e prostituzione. Le voci delle donne”
13th November 2024, h. 11.00University of Insubria (Sant’Abbondio Campus, room S.2.6) Link TEAMS: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetupjoin/19%3ameeting_MjZlYTUyZGYtMDYzMC00YTk5LWEzNGItZTJkNTgyNDA2MDE5%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%229252ed8b-dffc-401c-86ca-6237da9991fa%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22bd7249d1-7f05-405b-a717-f9c01b539917%22%7d