Description générale du pays Le Maroc est un pays appartenant à l’Afrique du Nord. Il est situé au nord-ouest du continent africain et est…
Latest posts - Page 9
Alessandro Ferrari – Director
Alessandro Ferrari is Professor of State Laws and Religions and Comparative Law of Religions at the University of Insubria (Varese and Como) and is…
Flavia Cortelezzi – Deputy Director
Flavia Cortelezzi is Associate Professor of Political Economy in the Department of Law, Economics and Culture, at Insubria University Como (Italy) and Deputy Director of the…
Roberta Ricucci – Scientific Council
Roberta Ricucci is Associate Professor, specialized in Sociology of Islam and Sociology of Migration. She is also Research Affiliate at the Center for the Study…
Roula Talhouk – Scientific Council
Roula a commencé ses études en architecture à l’Université Saint Esprit-Kaslik, après quoi elle a viré vers les sciences religieuses où elle était fortement…
Umberto Galmarini – Scientific Council
Umberto Galmarini, born in Milan, February 1, 1963. Degrees: 1987, Laurea in Economia e Commercio, Catholic University, Milan; 1989, M.A. in Economics, University of…
Jinan Limam – Scientific Council
Jinan Limam has a PhD in Public Law and she is an Associate Professor in Public Law at the Faculty of Legal, Political and…
Antonio Angelucci – Scientific Council
Antonio Angelucci is a lawyer, LLM, MA in Comparative Religious Law and holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Law with a curriculum in Law…