Here the links of some policy papers drafted by Arab Constitutional Law researchers as part of the outcomes of the Seventh session of the Academy of Constitutional…
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Call for Papers- “Religion in Motion: Between Borders and Belonging”
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Calls for Papers – “Collaborations and Contestations: Interfaith Architectural Encounters in Egyptian Society”
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An Unexpected (?) Convergence Between Islamic Law and Human Rights
Alessandro Ferrari & Ahmed Elbasyouny In September 2022, a four-year old child, Shenouda, was taken from his Christian family by order from the Egyptian…
Ucraina e Federazione Russa: quali prospettive per la pace?
Tavola rotonda Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, 6 dicembre 2022, ore 14:30
Quando gli immigrati vogliono pregare – comunità, pluralismo, welfare
Rapporto sulla libertà religiosa nella Regione Lombardia
Religious Minorities: a Political Transmediterranean Challenge
The ATLAS/ReMiNem Projects and the Turkish and Algerian Cases COMO, 17 November, 2022 Info:
Congrès Pluriel – 2022 “Islam et altérité” – Beyrouth
Voici la playlist réunissant toutes les conférences du Congrès:
Religious Minorities in Europe and the Middle East: a Comparative Review
Final event of the research project “Preventing Discrimination and persecution. Models of inclusion of religious minorities in the Euro-mediterranean space (ReMiNem) – 26 September…