The Atlas/ReMiNem Projects and the Turkish and Algerian Cases
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Ucraina e Federazione Russa: quali prospettive per la pace?
Tavola rotonda Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, 6 dicembre 2022, ore 14:30
Quando gli immigrati vogliono pregare – comunità, pluralismo, welfare
Rapporto sulla libertà religiosa nella Regione Lombardia
News and Events
Religious Minorities: a Political Transmediterranean Challenge
The ATLAS/ReMiNem Projects and the Turkish and Algerian Cases COMO, 17 November, 2022 Info:
Exclusively for Adherents of “Divinely Revealed” Religions?! How did the preparatory work for the Egyptian constitu…
By Mohamed Gamal Ali The term “divinely revealed religions” is used in the constitution, laws, and some judicial rulings to restrict the religious freedoms of Egyptian citizens; specifically, those who do not…
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Congrès Pluriel – 2022 “Islam et altérité” – Beyrouth
Voici la playlist réunissant toutes les conférences du Congrès:
News and Events
Religious Minorities in Europe and the Middle East: a Comparative Review
Final event of the research project “Preventing Discrimination and persecution. Models of inclusion of religious minorities in the Euro-mediterranean space (ReMiNem) – 26 September 2022 Zoom Conference
Tunisie, la énième transition – D’une démocratie en trompe-l’oeil à une «démocrature»
by Jinan Limam (Université de Carthage) Le 25 juillet 2022, un référendum a été organisé en Tunisie pour adopter une nouvelle Constitution. Elaboré dans un contexte marqué par l’état d’exception décrété par…
News and Events
Call for applications: Italian National PhD program in Religious Studies
Registration Opening: July, 15 2022, 12:00 pm (Italian time) Deadline for Applications: August 25 1:00 pm (Italian time)