PriMED (Prevention and Interaction in the Trans – Mediterranean Space) is the main prevention of religious radicalization project promoted by the Italian Government and the first remarkable Italian’s investment in such a central issue. The PriMED network…
Latest posts - Page 9
Agenda 2030 implementation in a complex setting (by Najat Rochdi, Un Deputy Special Coordinator, Resident and Human…
Achieving the SDGs has become a far-fetched dream for millions of Arab citizens amid the unfolding COVID19 crisis and the protracted conflicts in many countries of the region. Six years after the…
Un point d’histoire Le territoire algérien étant un carrefour méditerranéen, de nombreuses populations s’y sont succédé, certaines s’y sont installées pendant des siècles et se sont mêlées aux populations autochtones, d’autres n’ont…
تقرير دولة – الأردن – Jordan
General Information الأردن وتسمى رسمياً بالمملكة الأردنية الهاشمية، دولة عربية تقع في المنطقة الشرقية من البحر الأبيض المتوسط في الجنوب من بلاد الشام. اللغة العربية هي اللغة الرسمية، ودين الدولة هو الإسلام،…
Research Centers
LICODU – Libertà di Coscienza e Diritti Umani
Il sito Libertà di Coscienza e Diritti Umani (LICODU) mette a disposizione i provvedimenti sulla libertà religiosa e i diritti umani nei paesi dell’Est Europa.Contiene più di 1000 testi legislativi, compresi gli Statuti interni…
Religious radicalization. Process of a controversial concept, by Ali Mostfa (Lyon Catholic University)
Sur la notion de la radicalisation en France. Religious radicalization. Process of a controversial concept I would like to seize the opportunity of my first participation to the Mediterranean website to raise…